

Welcome to Before the Blonde. Writing is my happy place and I hope you find a little slice of happy here, too. Thanks for stopping by!

Fall isn’t just a season, it’s a VIBE

Fall isn’t just a season, it’s a VIBE

If you have mixed feelings about welcoming September with open arms after a summer that seems to have flown by in a blink, you’re not alone. It can be tough to accept those chilly morning breezes and all that comes with them… falling leaves that require constant raking, turning on the furnace for the first time in months, packing away summer clothes and mourning all of the cute pieces that somehow didn’t make it into rotation over the course of 3 months. It can be a lot. Especially when Starbucks insists on rolling out their annoying fall menu well before August is over… -_-

But this fall let’s forgo the bitterness in an already-tumultuous year. Why add fuel to the dumpster fire that is 2020, you know? Instead let’s embrace autumn in all of its autumnal glory by leaning fully in because I am a firm believer that fall is a very romantic vibe when you allow it to be.

Setting the mood

Music can really encapsulate a moment, a feeling, a vibe; and, when fall rolls around, I like to set the mood accordingly with the right musical choices. This is honestly an underrated game-changer, more so than pulling out the flannel sheet sets from the back of the linen closet. My friend Joc and I call this time of year “Lana season” because Del Rey’s melancholy blues and sultry lyrics are perfect for setting the fall mood. Alanis Morissette recently dropped a gorgeous new album that is all kinds of perfect for setting a certain tone of sass + self-reflection and you can never go wrong with Florence Welch or Massive Attack. Or reach back in the classics for some James Taylor or Serge Gainsbourg. Taylor Swift’s latest album is also a no-brainer for those who are mega-fans of her music. The key is to imagine yourself in your favorite cozy chair, wrapped in a soft blanket with a hot mug of coffee in your hand, and think of what music you’d want be listening to in that moment. Just be cautious - if you find yourself adding Long December by Counting Crows to your fall playlist, you’ve leaned in too far! ;)

Dressing the part

Now that you’ve set the mood sonically, you want to enhance that cozy feeling with your attire. While it can be sad (or straight up painful) to put away your summer clothes and do the seasonal switch out, try to make it easier on yourself by keeping your favorite tanks, graphic tees and printed dresses in the mix. The tanks will become a second skin layer under everything as the temps dip lower and lower, the graphic tees will be perfect under a structured blazer and there is simply nothing dreamier than a chunky knit worn over a printed dress in the fall. However, if a printed dress doesn’t fit your vibe, maybe you’ve got a slip dress that you can layer a long sleeve tee or turtleneck underneath. Pair this look with tights or knee socks and a chunky Oxford shoe or suede bootie.

And when you want to keep it casual to the max I highly recommend a Smash & Tess romper or (my personal fave) a cute matching jogger set in several neutral colors that allow you to mix and match your sweatshirt/jogger combos. I’m also going to lightly suggest switching up what you wear to bed - and I say lightly because, how personal! Lol!! However, I find it adds to the whole romantic vibe I’m trying to achieve when I lounge around in things like: matching satin pj sets, long knit robes/cardigans, and nighties in a thermal or ribbed fabric. Take it or leave it, but promise me you’ll try it once before you decide!!

Bonus points if you feel like going full-tilt and dressing your house for fall too! Add elements of autumn such as flannel or forestry animals to your kitchen and dining room via table settings, linen napkins, tea towels, and centrepieces (get the kiddos to help by filling a large vase with pinecones and spruce twigs or a thick sheaf of wheat!). Display bath towels in shades of rust, mustard or evergreen, switch out throw blankets and pillow covers for a sweet buffalo plaid or a soft white sheepskin and create fall-flavoured vignettes around strategic spots in your home (perhaps maple leaves scattered on photo shelves or a colorful display of gourds and pearls on the mantle?). 

Scent is everything

Some of us like to bake apple pies and oatmeal cookies… and some of us just like to burn candles that smell like we can bake. I fall into the latter category so I like to stock up on candles that permeate my home with the scent of apple cinnamon or pumpkin pie, and I really love candles that have a “hint of tobacco” smokiness to them.

The next layer of scent will be a seasonal update to the perfume you’ve been wearing all summer. Summer scents tend to be lighter and fresher and they sit on the skin differently thanks to factors like sun and sweat. This is the time to be reaching for something a little heavier or spicier with a warmth factor like vanilla, sandalwood or vetiver. You want it to last all day and get warmer as it does. To me, fall scents are the ones that draw people in closer to say “Mmm what is that lovely fragrance you’re wearing?”, although, given the current state of things, don’t be afraid to give yourself an extra spritz since no one should be closer than 6 feet!

The last layer of scent (aside from any ambitious baking you accomplish, of course!) is where you can get creative with how you further imbue fall scents into your lifestyle. Maybe it’s an update to your car’s air freshener or switching your laundry detergent/dryer sheet combo to something with hints of vanilla or lavender (personal fave: Seventh Generation detergent in Lavender with matching lavender dryer sheets). Since you may be in the process of switching up your beauty products, try some of these cleansers that add an olfactory element to your nightly skin care routine: isClincial Warming Honey Cleanser, Lia Reese Vitamin A Pumpkin Cleanser, Ursa Major Fantastic Face Wash with cedar and spearmint. Give your oil diffuser an upgrade, or your shampoo, or your deodorant! There are so many ways to surround yourself with mood-enhancing scents if you put a little thought (and google searching) into it!


Cozy corner

Ideally, this is the spot where all the cozy fall elements you’ve carefully curated can collide and you can feel enveloped in warmth. It’s a spot where you can sit and gaze out a window while wrapped in a toasty blanket, with a candle burning nearby, soft melodies playing in the background and a mug of something warm and delicious in your hand. Maybe you’re starting a new book (who doesn’t love a fall reading list) or writing in a journal or making lists in preparation for the weeks ahead. Take the time to slow down and carve out this time of coziness just for you. You deserve it.

Happy September,


The Sh*tty Readers Book Club

The Sh*tty Readers Book Club