

Welcome to Before the Blonde. Writing is my happy place and I hope you find a little slice of happy here, too. Thanks for stopping by!

July 2017

July 2017


MAKING - more time for myself to recharge and refill my cup, so to speak.

COOKING - on the grill! Summer is here and the weather has been incredible!

DRINKING - water!! Forcing myself to hydrate with more than my usual "one glass per day...if that".

READING - my favorite magazine, Porter. The Summer Escape issue is a dream.

WANTING - a family vacation in the surf n' sun with my boys.

LOOKING - at inspiration for upcoming photo shoots.

PLAYING - "My Favorites", a weekly playlist Apple Music curates for me.

WISHING - summer wouldn't go by so fast! End of July, already?!

ENJOYING - how unbelievably hot + sunny it has been this week.

LIKING - the new approach to holistic health care I am taking with a fantastic team of ladies specialized in myofascial release therapy, chiropractic care, and naturopathic wellness.

LOVING - the sneak peek of our anniversary/family photos taken recently by a super-talented local photographer. I can't wait to share them!

WONDERING - why I'm seeing grown women throw shade like there aren't enough seats at the table for everyone. It's becoming a constant disappointment.

HOPING - for peace and comfort to those who are hurting from the sudden passing of a sweet, beautiful soul a few days ago. All my love to Justin's family and his bandmates in The Steadies.

NEEDING - to take life a little bit slower these days to avoid becoming easily overwhelmed.

SMELLING - the warm evening air blowing through the open window beside me.

WEARING - a simple grey racer back tank and a pair of Ty's boxers.

FOLLOWING - the Obamacare repeal vote on CNN and hoping it doesn't go through.

NOTICING - how genuinely joyful + free my soul has been feeling since I made the decision to cut as many negative energy sources out of my life as possible. Life is too short to be anything but happy.

THINKING - about the upcoming long weekend and whether we should book a trip or not.

OPENING - my arms to accept cuddles from my attention-loving pup. He is the sweetest.

FEELING - lucky to be alive.

Less Than Stellar

Less Than Stellar

Detox Dance Party

Detox Dance Party